This could also be titled 'Running Away from Visual Studio Code!'
And it's not that VS Code is bad, but I came to a realization: I use it for syntax highlighting and a terminal. Yes, it has more functionality than that, especially with extensions, but that's really all I wanted from it.
And, there are other tools that accomplish those things that I like better, so why not use them?
If I were running Linux I would use it as my IDE, essentially. Either Vim or Emacs for editing files, terminals for running commands and scripts, and the window manager file explorer for managing files.
I decided to take the same approach with Windows 11.
This is a long post, so here is each section:
- Windows Terminal
- Neovim
- Neovim Plugins
- Color Scheme
- Vertical Rulers
- Line Numbers
- Syntax Highlighting
- Tabs Spaces
- Window Title
- Git Integration
- Spellcheck
- Scrollbars
- Statusline
- Font Icons
- A better vim.ui.select
- The Whole Thing
Windows Terminal
Pretty much everything that comes below will be built off my choice of terminal emulator. I find Windows Terminal to be really good these days! It does need some configuration tweaking and additional profiles however.
I was considering trying to get Emacs setup again, however I hate working with lisp, so I looked at Vim again and found Neovim. Neovim uses Lua for customization and extension.
Getting Neovim was straightforward, just use the installer from the latest release.
Unlike GVim or Emacs for Windows, Neovim does not come with a GUI. It is a console application like Vim. This wasn't surprising but what was surprising is that telling Windows to open a file directly with nvim.exe opened it up in Windows Terminal, since I had it installed.
This looked surprisingly good and I realized that Neovim doesn't need a GUI, just run it in the terminal.
It does, however need configuration to look better.
Neovim Plugins
I quickly found that nearly all Neovim customizations are plugins and that most are setup to be installed with a plugin manager. I chose to use lazy.nvim.
This does require having git, but I already have Git for Windows installed and it 'just worked.'
I found the documentation for lazy.nvim a bit vague and difficult to follow from the perspective of never using Neovim or a plugin manager before. However, the initial installation is straightforward enough:
Create a new user configuration file for Neovim. On Windows this is in C:\users\<username>\AppData\Local\nvim and should be named init.lua.
PS C:\users\taylo\AppData\Local\nvim> nvim init.lua
Add the following line:
Create a new set of folders within the nvim folder next to init.lua named lua and one within that named config:
AppData\Local\nvim |-lua | |-config |-init.lua
In the new lua\config folder create a new file lazy.lua:
PS C:\users\taylo\AppData\Local\nvim> nvim .\lua\config\lazy.lua
And put the following in lazy.lua:
-- Bootstrap lazy.nvim local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim" if not (vim.uv or vim.loop).fs_stat(lazypath) then local lazyrepo = "https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim.git" local out = vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "--branch=stable", lazyrepo, lazypath }) if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { "Failed to clone lazy.nvim:\n", "ErrorMsg" }, { out, "WarningMsg" }, { "\nPress any key to exit..." }, }, true, {}) vim.fn.getchar() os.exit(1) end end vim.opt.rtp:prepend(lazypath) -- Make sure to setup `mapleader` and `maplocalleader` before -- loading lazy.nvim so that mappings are correct. -- This is also a good place to setup other settings (vim.opt) vim.g.mapleader = " " vim.g.maplocalleader = "\\" -- Setup lazy.nvim require("lazy").setup({ spec = { -- import your plugins { import = "plugins" }, }, -- Configure any other settings here. See the documentation for more details. -- colorscheme that will be used when installing plugins. install = { colorscheme = { "habamax" } }, -- automatically check for plugin updates checker = { enabled = true }, })
- Restart Neovim and run :checkhealth lazy.
Create a new folder named plugins in the lua folder
AppData\Local\nvim |-lua | |-config | | |-lazy.lua | |-plugins |-init.lua
Now, each plugin or group of plugins can be defined by creating a Lua file in plugins.
Color Scheme
Neovim supports coloschemes like any other editor. I use Nightfox.
Of course, it is a plugin, so install it using lazy.nvim:
Create a file in ~\nvim\lua\plugins\ called colorschemes.lua:
PS C:\users\taylo\AppData\Local\nvim> nvim .\lua\plugins\colorschemes.lua
Put the following in colorschemes.lua:
return { { "EdenEast/nightfox.nvim" }, }
This returns a table with a single entry for Nightfox. With this setup, it is possible to add additional entries for more color schemes later.
- Run :Lazy install within nvim to install the color scheme.
Open the main Neovim configuration file, init.lua:
PS C:\users\taylo\AppData\Local\nvim> nvim init.lua
Add the following lines:
vim.o.background = nil -- disable the default background require('nightfox').setup({ options = { transparent = true }, -- disable the background completely }) vim.cmd('colorscheme carbonfox') -- use the Carbonfox variant
This sets up Nightfox and selects the Carbonfox variant as the color scheme for all new windows. Additionally, options = { transparent = true } disables the background color completely. This means that the background color and transparency in the current Windows-Terminal profile will be used instead, which is a nice effect. It does require coordinating the Windows Terminal and Neovim color scheme settings, however.
Now things look better, but it's not quite there yet.
Vertical Rulers
I like having rulers, or visual indicators showing where columns 80 and 120 are for code formatting.
Luckily this is pretty simple, just a single line added to init.lua:
vim.opt.colorcolumn = '80,120'
Line Numbers
Enabling line numbers display is just as easy, add the following to init.lua:
vim.opt.number = true
Syntax Highlighting
The color scheme makes things look much better and Neovim comes with syntax highlighting rules for many languages, however they are pretty basic.
I decided to use nvim-treesitter.
The only downside to treesitter is that it requires a working c/c++ toolchain to be in PATH when it first loads a parser for a particular language. This sounds intimidating, but it's really as simple as running nvim from either Developer Command Prompt for VS or Developer Power Shell for VS whenever a parser needs to be built.
In other words, when opening a new file type for the first time, run nvim from a developer prompt.
Otherwise, the setup for nvim-treesitter is pretty simple:
Create a plugin spec for it:
PS C:\users\taylo\AppData\Local\nvim> nvim .\lua\plugins\treesitter.lua
With the following content:
return { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" }
And add the following to the main Neovim configuration (init.lua ):
require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup({ ensure_installed = { "c", "cpp", "glsl", "json", "yaml", "lua", "vim", "vimdoc", "query", "markdown", "markdown_inline", "rst" }, sync_install = false, auto_install = true, highlight = { enable = true, }, })
The ensure_installed key will pre-install parsers for those languages. All others will be installed the first time they a file with that type is opened.
- Close and reopen nvim from a developer command/powershell.
At this point treesitter will build and install the parsers mentioned above. Now that those parsers are installed, nvim can be opened without needing to worry about msvc being accessible in the path.
Now syntax highlighting works well. However, it doesn't always detect the file type properly, in particular GLSL when the files have .vert or .frag extensions.
This can be setup with the following lines in init.lua:
extension = {
frag = "glsl",
vert = "glsl",
Tabs Spaces
I like spaces instead of tabs, and specifically 4. This is also an easy change to init.lua:
vim.opt.tabstop = 4
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4
vim.opt.expandtab = true
Window Title
So far the only downside to using Neovim through Windows terminal is the title shown in the taskbar isn't the filename. This is fixed by adding the following to init.lua:
vim.opt.title = true
vim.opt.titlestring = [[%t - %{expand('%:p:h')}]]
The first line enables setting the title and the second formats what is shown:
<filename> - <path>
Git Integration
One 'nice to have' from VS Code that I thought I may have to give up with Git integration, specifically highlighting changes and showing line blame.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that gitsigns.nvim handles both of those things and more quite nicely.
As with other plugins, create a spec in ~\nvim\lua\plugins\git.lua:
return {
{ url = "git@github.com:lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim.git" },
And add the following to the Neovim configuration init.lua:
signcolumn = true,
current_line_blame = true,
attach_to_untracked = true,
Enabling spell check is another easy addition to init.lua:
vim.opt.spell = true
Even though Neovim is a console application it does support mouse interactions.
It doesn't come with a vertical scrollbar by default, however, but the nvim-scrollview plugin works nicely.
Just create a plugin spec for it in ~\nvim\lua\plugins\scrollview.lua:
return {
{ 'dstein64/nvim-scrollview' }
Once it's installed, that's it. It works automatically.
The default status line in Neovim is a little sparse. I like to see the file format (line endings) and encoding at a minimum.
There are multiple status line plugins out there, but I settled on feline.nvim
Just like other plugins, create a Lazy spec for it in ~\nvim\lua\plugins\statusline.lua:
return {
Unlike most of the other plugins up to this point, Feline is going to require some more effort to get it looking how I want it.
It's not overly difficult, though and it all goes into init.lua:
-- load Feline and providers
local feline = require('feline')
local vi_mode_utils = require('feline.providers.vi_mode')
-- The status line is made up of components.
-- A different set of components is show for active and inactive states.
-- I don't use inactive windows so I just leave that set empty
local statusline_components = {
active = {},
inactive = {},
-- The first group of components is left aligned
statusline_components.active[1] = {
-- this first component is just a block/spacer character
provider = 'โ ',
hl = {
fg = 'skyblue',
-- next is the Vim mode indicator
provider = 'vi_mode',
hl = function()
return {
name = vi_mode_utils.get_mode_highlight_name(),
fg = vi_mode_utils.get_mode_color(),
style = 'bold',
-- File name and type
provider = {
name = 'file_info',
opts = {
colored_icon = false,
hl = {
fg = 'white',
bg = 'oceanblue',
style = 'bold',
left_sep = {
{ str = ' ', hl = { bg = 'oceanblue', fg = 'NONE' } },
right_sep = {
{ str = ' [', hl = { bg = 'oceanblue', fg = 'white' } },
provider = {
name = 'file_type',
opts = {
case = 'lowercase',
hl = {
fg = 'white',
bg = 'oceanblue',
right_sep = {
{ str = ']', hl = { bg = 'oceanblue', fg = 'white' } },
{ str = ' ', hl = { bg = 'oceanblue', fg = 'NONE' } },
' ',
-- File Size
provider = 'file_size',
right_sep = {
' ',
str = 'vertical_bar',
hl = {
fg = 'oceanblue',
bg = 'bg',
-- Row:Col
provider = 'position',
left_sep = ' ',
right_sep = {
' ',
str = 'vertical_bar',
hl = {
fg = 'oceanblue',
bg = 'bg',
-- File Format
provider = 'file_format',
left_sep = ' ',
right_sep = {
' ',
str = 'vertical_bar',
hl = { fg = 'oceanblue', bg = 'bg' },
-- Encoding
provider = 'file_encoding',
left_sep = ' ',
-- the next group is right aligned
statusline_components.active[2] = {
-- Git branch
provider = 'git_branch',
hl = {
fg = 'white',
bg = 'black',
style = 'bold',
right_sep = {
str = ' ',
hl = {
fg = 'NONE',
bg = 'black',
-- Git changes
provider = 'git_diff_added',
hl = {
fg = 'green',
bg = 'black',
provider = 'git_diff_changed',
hl = {
fg = 'orange',
bg = 'black',
provider = 'git_diff_removed',
hl = {
fg = 'red',
bg = 'black',
right_sep = {
str = ' ',
hl = {
fg = 'NONE',
bg = 'black',
-- File position %
provider = 'line_percentage',
hl = {
style = 'bold',
left_sep = ' ',
right_sep = ' ',
provider = 'scroll_bar',
hl = {
fg = 'skyblue',
style = 'bold',
-- finally, tell Feline to use our custom component setup
feline.setup({components = statusline_components})
At this point the status line has all the information I wanted, but it doesn't look as nice as the Felin examples. That is because Feline needs a patched font to use the icons and symbols. That's next.
Font Icons
Getting the symbols and icons for Feline and other plugins requires a patched font. This is simpler than it sounds.
First, nvim-web-devicons is needed.
Since I'm primarily installing this for the status line I added it to ~\lua\plugins\statusline.lua:
return {
Next is installing an actual patched font. I went with a patched Cascadia Code (which is called 'Caskaydia Cove') from Nerd Fonts.
The only catch here is that it needs to be installed to the system folder, not the user fonts folder. That can be done by holding shift while right clicking on the downloaded .ttf and selecting 'Install for all users'.
Once installed, select the font within Windows Terminal.
Now the status line is looking nice!
I have become accustomed to using gitmojis in my git commit messages. In VSCode this is made easy with an extension. There are a few Neovim plugins for this, but the ones I came across required other plugins that I had no interest in using, especially given how simple this is:
I just want to pick an emoji from a list with descriptions and have that inserted into the editor.
Luckily this is fairly simple. I came up with this after looking at a few of the existing plugins (all of this can go into init.lua):
local gitmojis = {
{'๐จ', 'Improve structure/format of the code.'},
{'โก๏ธ', 'Improve performance.'},
{'๐ฅ', 'Remove code or files.'},
{'๐', 'Fix a bug.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Critical hotfix.'},
{'โจ', 'Introduce new features.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update documentation.'},
{'๐', 'Deploy stuff.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update the UI and style files.'},
{'๐', 'Begin a project.'},
', 'Add, update, or pass tests.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Fix security or privacy issues.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update secrets.'},
{'๐', 'Release/version tags.'},
{'๐จ', 'Fix compiler/linter warnings.'},
{'๐ง', 'Work in progress.'},
{'๐', 'Fix CI build.'},
{'โฌ๏ธ' , 'Downgrade dependencies.'},
{'โฌ๏ธ' , 'Upgrade dependencies.'},
{'๐', 'Pin dependencies to specific versions.'},
{'๐ท', 'Add or update CI build system.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update analytics or track code.'},
{'โป๏ธ' , 'Refactor code.'},
{'โ', 'Add a dependency.'},
{'โ', 'Remove a dependency.'},
{'๐ง', 'Add or update configuration files.'},
{'๐จ', 'Add or update development scripts.'},
{'๐', 'Internationalization and localization.'},
{'โ๏ธ' , 'Fix typos.'},
{'๐ฉ', 'Write bad code that needs to be improved.'},
{'โช๏ธ', 'Revert changes.'},
{'๐', 'Merge branches.'},
{'๐ฆ๏ธ', 'Add or update compiled files or packages.'},
{'๐ฝ๏ธ', 'Update code due to external API changes.'},
{'๐', 'Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes).'},
{'๐', 'Add or update license.'},
{'๐ฅ', 'Introduce breaking changes.'},
{'๐ฑ', 'Add or update assets.'},
{'โฟ๏ธ', 'Improve accessibility.'},
{'๐ก', 'Add or update comments in source code.'},
{'๐ป', 'Write code drunkenly.'},
{'๐ฌ', 'Add or update text and literals.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Perform database related changes.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update logs.'},
{'๐', 'Remove logs.'},
{'๐ฅ', 'Add or update contributor(s).'},
{'๐ธ', 'Improve user experience/usability.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Make architectural changes.'},
{'๐ฑ', 'Work on responsive design.'},
{'๐คก', 'Mock things.'},
{'๐ฅ', 'Add or update easter egg.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update .gitignore file.'},
{'๐ธ', 'Add or update snapshots.'},
{'โ๏ธ' , 'Perform experiments.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Improve SEO.'},
{'๐ท๏ธ', 'Add or update types.'},
{'๐ฑ', 'Add or update seed files.'},
{'๐ฉ', 'Add, update, or remove feature flags.'},
', 'Catch errors.'},
{'๐ซ', 'Add or update animations and transitions.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Deprecate code that needs to be cleaned up.'},
{'๐', 'Work on code related to authorization, roles, and permissions.'},
{'๐ฉน', 'Simple fix for a non-critical issue.'},
{'๐ง', 'Data exploration/inspection.'},
{'โฐ๏ธ' , 'Remove dead code.'},
{'๐งช', 'Add a failing test.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update business logic.'},
{'๐ฉบ', 'Add or update healthcheck.'},
{'๐งฑ', 'Infrastructure related changes.'},
{'๐งโ๐ป', 'Improve developer experience.'},
{'๐ธ', 'Add sponsorships or money related infrastructure.'},
{'๐งต', 'Add or update code related to multithreading or concurrency.'},
{'๐ฆบ', 'Add or update code related to validation.'},
local function gitmoji_select()
vim.ui.select(gitmojis, {
prompt = "Select Gitmoji",
format_item = function(i) return string.format('%s - %s', i[1], i[2]) end,
}, function(choice)
if choice==nil then
vim.print("Gitmoji canceled.")
vim.cmd('normal! i'.. choice[1] .. ' ')
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Gitmoji', gitmoji_select, { nargs = 0 })
Now when the :Gitmoji command is run within Neovim, the Gitmoji list is displayed and the appropriate unicode emoji is inserted. This is handy because I now use Neovim as my commit message editor as well.
A better vim.ui.select
After implementing my :Gitmoji command above I realized that the reason all of the other solutions required some other plugin is because the default vim.ui.select is a little underwhelming.
But, rather than going down a route that requires a specific plugin, I decided to use dressing.nvim which replaces vim.ui.select in a configurable way.
Create a new plugin spec for it in ~\nvim\lua\plugins\uiselect.lua:
return {
{ 'stevearc/dressing.nvim' }
And that's it, our :Gitmoji command looks much nicer.
Except, not everything is using vim.ui.select it would seem. The spell checker replace misspelled work command (z=) still looks the same.
I found a quick solution from a closed PR for this (added to init.lua):
-- change the z= (replace misspelled word) to use vim.ui.select
-- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/25833/files
local spell_on_choice = vim.schedule_wrap(function(_, idx)
if type(idx) == 'number' then
vim.cmd.normal({ idx .. 'z=', bang = true })
local function spell_select()
if vim.v.count > 0 then
spell_on_choice(nil, vim.v.count)
local cword = vim.fn.expand('<cword>')
vim.fn.spellsuggest(cword, vim.o.lines),
{ prompt = 'Change ' .. cword .. ' to:' },
vim.keymap.set('n', 'z=', spell_select, { desc = 'Shows spelling suggestions' })
The Whole Thing
The entire init.lua with everything above:
vim.opt.title = true
vim.opt.titlestring = [[%t - %{expand('%:p:h')}]]
signcolumn = true,
current_line_blame = true,
attach_to_untracked = true,
vim.o.background = nil
options = {transparent = true},
-- colorscheme
vim.cmd('colorscheme carbonfox')
vim.opt.colorcolumn = '80,120'
vim.opt.tabstop = 4
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4
vim.opt.expandtab = true
vim.opt.number = true
vim.opt.spell = true
vim.opt.spelllang = 'en_us'
-- change the z= (replace misspelled word) to use vim.ui.select
-- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/25833/files
local spell_on_choice = vim.schedule_wrap(function(_, idx)
if type(idx) == 'number' then
vim.cmd.normal({ idx .. 'z=', bang = true })
local function spell_select()
if vim.v.count > 0 then
spell_on_choice(nil, vim.v.count)
local cword = vim.fn.expand('<cword>')
vim.fn.spellsuggest(cword, vim.o.lines),
{ prompt = 'Change ' .. cword .. ' to:' },
vim.keymap.set('n', 'z=', spell_select, { desc = 'Shows spelling suggestions' })
-- treesitter
ensure_installed = {
sync_install = false,
auto_install = true,
highlight = {
enable = true,
extension = {
frag = "glsl",
vert = "glsl",
local feline = require('feline')
local vi_mode_utils = require('feline.providers.vi_mode')
local statusline_components = {
active = {},
inactive = {},
statusline_components.active[1] = {
provider = 'โ ',
hl = {
fg = 'skyblue',
provider = 'vi_mode',
hl = function()
return {
name = vi_mode_utils.get_mode_highlight_name(),
fg = vi_mode_utils.get_mode_color(),
style = 'bold',
provider = {
name = 'file_info',
opts = {
colored_icon = false,
hl = {
fg = 'white',
bg = 'oceanblue',
style = 'bold',
left_sep = {
{ str = ' ', hl = { bg = 'oceanblue', fg = 'NONE' } },
right_sep = {
{ str = ' [', hl = { bg = 'oceanblue', fg = 'white' } },
provider = {
name = 'file_type',
opts = {
case = 'lowercase',
hl = {
fg = 'white',
bg = 'oceanblue',
right_sep = {
{ str = ']', hl = { bg = 'oceanblue', fg = 'white' } },
{ str = ' ', hl = { bg = 'oceanblue', fg = 'NONE' } },
' ',
provider = 'file_size',
right_sep = {
' ',
str = 'vertical_bar',
hl = {
fg = 'oceanblue',
bg = 'bg',
provider = 'position',
left_sep = ' ',
right_sep = {
' ',
str = 'vertical_bar',
hl = {
fg = 'oceanblue',
bg = 'bg',
provider = 'file_format',
left_sep = ' ',
right_sep = {
' ',
str = 'vertical_bar',
hl = { fg = 'oceanblue', bg = 'bg' },
provider = 'file_encoding',
left_sep = ' ',
statusline_components.active[2] = {
provider = 'git_branch',
hl = {
fg = 'white',
bg = 'black',
style = 'bold',
right_sep = {
str = ' ',
hl = {
fg = 'NONE',
bg = 'black',
provider = 'git_diff_added',
hl = {
fg = 'green',
bg = 'black',
provider = 'git_diff_changed',
hl = {
fg = 'orange',
bg = 'black',
provider = 'git_diff_removed',
hl = {
fg = 'red',
bg = 'black',
right_sep = {
str = ' ',
hl = {
fg = 'NONE',
bg = 'black',
provider = 'line_percentage',
hl = {
style = 'bold',
left_sep = ' ',
right_sep = ' ',
provider = 'scroll_bar',
hl = {
fg = 'skyblue',
style = 'bold',
feline.setup({components = statusline_components})
local gitmojis = {
{'๐จ', 'Improve structure/format of the code.'},
{'โก๏ธ', 'Improve performance.'},
{'๐ฅ', 'Remove code or files.'},
{'๐', 'Fix a bug.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Critical hotfix.'},
{'โจ', 'Introduce new features.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update documentation.'},
{'๐', 'Deploy stuff.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update the UI and style files.'},
{'๐', 'Begin a project.'},
', 'Add, update, or pass tests.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Fix security or privacy issues.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update secrets.'},
{'๐', 'Release/version tags.'},
{'๐จ', 'Fix compiler/linter warnings.'},
{'๐ง', 'Work in progress.'},
{'๐', 'Fix CI build.'},
{'โฌ๏ธ' , 'Downgrade dependencies.'},
{'โฌ๏ธ' , 'Upgrade dependencies.'},
{'๐', 'Pin dependencies to specific versions.'},
{'๐ท', 'Add or update CI build system.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update analytics or track code.'},
{'โป๏ธ' , 'Refactor code.'},
{'โ', 'Add a dependency.'},
{'โ', 'Remove a dependency.'},
{'๐ง', 'Add or update configuration files.'},
{'๐จ', 'Add or update development scripts.'},
{'๐', 'Internationalization and localization.'},
{'โ๏ธ' , 'Fix tyops.'},
{'๐ฉ', 'Write bad code that needs to be improved.'},
{'โช๏ธ', 'Revert changes.'},
{'๐', 'Merge branches.'},
{'๐ฆ๏ธ', 'Add or update compiled files or packages.'},
{'๐ฝ๏ธ', 'Update code due to external API changes.'},
{'๐', 'Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes).'},
{'๐', 'Add or update license.'},
{'๐ฅ', 'Introduce breaking changes.'},
{'๐ฑ', 'Add or update assets.'},
{'โฟ๏ธ', 'Improve accessibility.'},
{'๐ก', 'Add or update comments in source code.'},
{'๐ป', 'Write code drunkenly.'},
{'๐ฌ', 'Add or update text and literals.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Perform database related changes.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update logs.'},
{'๐', 'Remove logs.'},
{'๐ฅ', 'Add or update contributor(s).'},
{'๐ธ', 'Improve user experience/usability.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Make architectural changes.'},
{'๐ฑ', 'Work on responsive design.'},
{'๐คก', 'Mock things.'},
{'๐ฅ', 'Add or update easter egg.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update .gitignore file.'},
{'๐ธ', 'Add or update snapshots.'},
{'โ๏ธ' , 'Perform experiments.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Improve SEO.'},
{'๐ท๏ธ', 'Add or update types.'},
{'๐ฑ', 'Add or update seed files.'},
{'๐ฉ', 'Add, update, or remove feature flags.'},
', 'Catch errors.'},
{'๐ซ', 'Add or update animations and transitions.'},
{'๐๏ธ', 'Deprecate code that needs to be cleaned up.'},
{'๐', 'Work on code related to authorization, roles, and permissions.'},
{'๐ฉน', 'Simple fix for a non-critical issue.'},
{'๐ง', 'Data exploration/inspection.'},
{'โฐ๏ธ' , 'Remove dead code.'},
{'๐งช', 'Add a failing test.'},
{'๐', 'Add or update business logic.'},
{'๐ฉบ', 'Add or update healthcheck.'},
{'๐งฑ', 'Infrastructure related changes.'},
{'๐งโ๐ป', 'Improve developer experience.'},
{'๐ธ', 'Add sponsorships or money related infrastructure.'},
{'๐งต', 'Add or update code related to multithreading or concurrency.'},
{'๐ฆบ', 'Add or update code related to validation.'},
local function gitmoji_select()
vim.ui.select(gitmojis, {
prompt = "Select Gitmoji",
format_item = function(i) return string.format('%s - %s', i[1], i[2]) end,
}, function(choice)
if choice==nil then
vim.print("Gitmoji canceled.")
vim.cmd('normal! i'.. choice[1] .. ' ')
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Gitmoji', gitmoji_select, { nargs = 0 })