Setting up this blog inspired me to create something else: a brew log for all of the beer, wine, mead and other stuff that I make.
I loved how easy it was to create a blog with Jekyll, but I wanted the brew log to be it's own 'sub' blog, with an independent configuration, theme, etc.
Luckily, the way that GitLab generates URLs worked well for this: I could create a new project for my sub-blog and it would appear as a folder of this blog (perfect!).
Setting up the blog itself is easy, just go through the normal Jekyll quick start, create a project for it on GitLab and include a GitLab CI configuration.
But, Jekyll requires some configuration changes to work this way.
Since the brewlog will be at /brewlog/ and not /, Jekyll needs to be told to use that path, by setting it in _config.yml:
baseurl: "/brewlog/"
Also any links that aren't using variables need to also include that path, such as including pictures. Instead of /assets/<picture>.png I use /brewlog/assets/<picture>.png.
I should also be able to use {% raw %}{{ site.baseurl }}{% endraw %} instead of specifying /brewlog/ manually in most cases.